• info@gospelheraldministries.org
  • +255766983482
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A place for
Care  Mercy Growth

Established in 2012
At the foot of Mount kilimanjaro to bring hope and a brighter future to the orphaned and vulnerable children
Since its inception
Kim Jones Children's home has transformed the lives of over 40 orphans and children living in vulnerable conditions

You too can take part in bringing care, hope
and love to these lovely souls by committing
them in your prayer routine, making monthly
donations, sponsoring a child and/or taking
part in annual mission trips.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God,
the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in
their affliction,” – James 1:27
Let us be the Fathers and Mothers to these
children and we believe through this no child
will be an orphan.